You make it seem as if prejudging a murderer or someone who is condoning murder wrong.
People would have a half acre each in Texas. That's a perpetual spacious suburb. And it's plenty of room to include stores and other services. You just want to believe the lie kid, and refuse to think about it further.
The world isn't overpopulated. Not by a long shot. It would take around 15 quintillion people for drinking water to become a problem. So I doubt that 9 billion people are a problem. And mortality rates from all kinds of activity are high enough to counterbalance the influx of people over time. There will also always be wars and violence.
People can only get away with making that false claim because of cities like New York and LA and foreign cities in India and China. The temperatures they record tend to be within or on the periphery of, large amounts of concrete and metal(cities).
"Man made global climate change" is a myth. Yes there is a centralized affects of pollution on weather, like acid rain, but within a small area compared to the vast amount of Earth that doesn't have sources of pollution like power plants and factories.
The only reason the myth is pushed is to further enslave people around the world.
We've already begun the process of dealing with waste through the recycling programs though. So you're beating a dead horse with that kid. There's all kinds of ways that cities reuse trash like reclaiming land.
And it's also a myth that we don't have enough land to grow food for everyone. That's total bullshit. People in all the cities in the world throw away more than enough food every year to feed the people who can't afford it.
I'm not saying they should eat our scraps, but pointing out that the problem isn't that we can't produce enough food, it's that we have a lot of poor people around the world. In America it tends to be from disabilities both mental and physical. In other countries it's the regime in charge.
So, it's not that there isn't enough land to grow the food, or that there isn't enough of it already, there are other factors you're not taking into account.
And even if the whole world was crammed into Texas or a continent like Australia, it wouldn't matter, because all of Africa could be converted to grow food for example.
We humans are ingenious and can find a way around any problem eventually. The answer definitely isn't killing more humans though. We need those people to be farmers and ranchers. :{