Good for you in joining the military to serve your country! I am a vet myself, and would not change that part of my life for anything! I was also a LEO and very immersed in MA training for a long time. All MAs have value,... and training in different styles is very recommended. I had a school for a while, and would bring guest instructors frequently from different styles. I found that training in only one style, can get a person very used to defending against the same styled MA attacks,.. and get bewildered even with street type fighter who may be flaying punches rather than styles we are used to. Even worse,... I found many attack / defend scenarios were "contrived". I actually spent 2 weeks in Japan training under Masaaki Hatsumi and his shihab instructors. Very enlightening! Black belt rank here in the USA are associated with "expert". In Japan, a shodan, or 1st level blackbelt is considered a "beginner". It simply means you understand the basics to begin your journey of training. Knife defense training is much more complicated than basic MA training. It always bothered me to see knife self defense options where the attacker would "lunge and freeze", at a moderate speed, allowing the defender to execute a defense at fast speeds. I understand this is necessary in beginning training, but it bothered me to see blackbelt ranks doing this as well. There are many angles of attack from an edged weapon, and once the basics are understood, all angles must be explored. As for gun,... I never allowed my students to remain on the line of attack. Thats is,... where if a defensive option was not executed perfectly, the defender would still eat a bullet. You must get off the line of attack,... and distance is always a consideration as is how the attacker is holding his weapon. Soft hand techniques will not work against a determined foe... you must have the ability to hurt him, destroy a limb and disrupt balance.
As for ha ha lung,.. I purchased one of his books to show something in a self defense seminar. If you notice,... many of the diagrams show the defender, or the good guy to be dressed in Arab styled clothing,... and the assailant dressed as a Crusader, often with the Christian cross displayed, as if Christians are the enemy. I am not sure which book(s) you have,... but check it out.
Keep going,... keep training! Serving your country in any capacity is honorable! Good luck sir!! Thanks for the reply!