We can never get to the future. When we do, it is the present, and not the future anymore. We know that time is money, and since we can never go ahead in time, or in this case, greater in money, we can never get more money. Since the second the future becomes the present, it instantly becomes the past, we never have made any money, disproving money. We also know that money is power. Since no one ever gets more money, no one gets more power, and we are all equal. But money is the root of all evil. Without money, there is no evil. Since everyone knows money comes from trees, trees are time. We know knowledge comes with age, and no time is no age, we are all bankrupt babies that don't age. In fact, we should not exist. So why are we here? Aliens. Not Mexicans, racist, I mean UFO aliens. The only thing that is not impacted by anything I just mentioned.