"I got vaccinated, and then I got sick, so the vaccine must have made me sick".
"Every time I buy a good seat for a game, my team wins. Every time I buy a cheap seat, they lose. I better get a good seat for the next game if I want to see my team win the championship!"
"I wore my lucky socks, and my team won, so wearing my lucky socks caused them to win".
"A new policy was implemented, and then bad things started happening, so the policy must be the cause of all those bad things".
What your saying could still be true but not providing anything to back up the claim makes it Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Well that is quite different from the argument used against the DOE.
If before the doe existed, our education was better than after it had spent 3 trillion dollars on it, then we can logically say that it didnt make things better.
This is different than your seat example or any of the others because where you sit clearly does not affect your teams ability to play, whereas the doe is designed to affect the education.
I believe that it's just the stuff that seems to be less talked about id important
Like the civil rights office
And I know Trump has said some things are being moved, alright, but it's just the doe was doing it, you could just change what the doe does rather than shutting it, I feel like I'm not fully awake ish and I feel like I'm about to make some foolish argument but I'll try anyway:
I guess changing how doe works would be better than getting rid of it
The civil rights office is there to help stop racism and yes racism is wayytyyyyhy less prevalent and wayyy less popular (nice)
But there are still gonna be times we need the office.
And if we think doe is teaching the Marxist stuff then we could just say: yo doe can't decide curriculum
And I want to say what I'm about to say is kinda unrelated (basically completely)
But if I become a politician
I feel like getting a ton of economic experts (of many views and by expert like they study the economy and stuff(
To come up with a way to improve the economy would be better than me coming up with something considering I don't study the economy as much as they would or as long as they have
And honestly I think my self awareness of my lack of sleep should honestly I have lost a idea for what else to type
TLDR- get sleep, I think I needa take a good while and reconsider how I argue