Which is more intelligent? A person who goes to a trade school and learns a marketable skill which he can take anywhere and earn a living from with no high-interest student loans, or someone who goes to a high cost university to get an arts degree that won’t support him and goes into massive debt to do it?
Higher education doesn’t necessarily mean “more intelligent.” Aside from which, these schools of higher learning are more of an indoctrination center than an education center.
Riding in a vehicle while posting. Sometimes a typo happens like that. Here’s the link where I found the original. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=11e630708d7d7dea&hl=en-us&sxsrf=AHTn8zr29lYC_1GxDtL_TO6u4l6YkZ5mXQ:1742045548075&q=george+floyd+riots&udm=2&fbs=ABzOT_CWdhQLP1FcmU5B0fn3xuWpA-dk4wpBWOGsoR7DG5zJBjLjqIC1CYKD9D-DQAQS3Z44LBK6yTXN_5587Z3ya9D7rdSpU4oiZ-vqI3S9pgZWwwB3LRDwatyHNDj5PPNIP3O9LeuTlkH2sZZEnhZo46WWPy7DYXboTyVC_aZQy41AGSrGkk4NoSb_gHwt0RgTrxyOVp_oOPlCcajpFXjWCoxwFuUObdy9Bor7d_0gRwIfZiKoFQc&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwink82wmYyMAxWxQjABHVAPPc0QtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=414&bih=714&dpr=2#vhid=iByoXhnLPDIEuM&vssid=mosaic