Maybe no one took time to explain this to you so I will do so now.
From here on you will have no excuse for repeating the nonsense.
Men in skirts and inserts are NOT women and NEVER will be women.
Women whose heads are sheared and have a beard are NOT men and NEVER will be men.
The "real" "trans" people understand and acknowledge this biological fact.
The sports law IS about sports.
Scholarships, trophies, records, medals, dignity, endorsements, and plain ol fairness are lost by the female athletes affected by the males with boobies competing against them.
He should compete against males in men's athletics.
If the argument is hormones have rendered him weaker, 2 things:
1. You acknowledge that men are largely stronger than women.
2. He made that choice. Having made the choice, he and he alone bears the consequences of that choice and not some lil gal tryna get a free education because she can run faster than most other women.
3. (Remember Biden π) There is a similar argument to be made against females taking male hormones competing with the females.
Every organization has had bans on performance enhancing drugs, to include hormones, for 30+ years.
This is why.
It is unfair.
It is not about debasing troubled and confused individuals just to be an asshole.
It is about women being able to achieve on a level playing field.