According to the Guttsmacher Institute (look it up), all the hypothetical scenarios you cite occur is less than 2% (last time I looked) of all abortions performed in the United States. The other 98% of abortions are performed on heathy mothers carrying healthy children that were conceived consensually.
Leaving aside the egregious suggestion that a child should be made to pay the ultimate price for a crime committed by their paternal parent, how about I grant you the whole of that 2%, and then you can agree that the other 98% have a right to their life? No? Yeah, I didn't think so.
This argument about the threshold at which life begins is both spurious and subjective. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, that threshold, wherever you arbitrarily put it, will be crossed providing Planned Parenthood (or whomever) keeps their butcher knives off of it.
You leftist just love to talk about civil rights for the disenfranchised, but when it comes to the most disenfranchised and voiceless group of human beings in existence, you're not only silent, you actually advocate for a "woman's right" to sacrifice a fellow human being on the altar of convenience.