▶️ "ethman 770
Okay but the text never says that Nod was an existing city, that people lived there, that Cain got married in Nod, or that Adam, Eve, and Cain were the inky people in existence. Nothing about your meme is a valid criticism. It is 100% a strawman"
⬛ Hey, nothing beats a Strawman other than a Ping-Pong Strawman, right? Goose/Gander?
I feel so ashamed. Tasting my own medicine, such bitter pills to swallow.
The text also says nothing about the hypotheticals you supplied either, and you've actually read it. Today.
Yes, I got that. Nod was not a city. You said that already. A lot.
The word probably means it wasn't even an actual place, for that matter - more a reference to wandering around the land, an action rather than a location. It wasn't on the map then, and it isn't on the map now, then again, neither was/is Eden. We remember the names of the players, but somebody forgot to remember where the center of creation was located.
Cain killed Abel, Seth wasn't born till round a century later, so Cain got lonely coincidentally coinciding with when God decided to give him the boot out of the Eden that everybody was already cast out of a couple of chapters prior[?], so he went off to Nod so that he may knoweth his wife that popped out of thin air and then built a city so he could name it after their son. And they lived unhappily ever after until Noah was born 91 years after Seth was because God is love. Something like that.
This repeatedly repeated repetitious repetition repeatedly on repeat begins to bore me a lot?