"They can dial up or down inflation though?"
No, a POTUS can't set prices globally. That's what demontards like Kommie-LA wanted to do. But that's socialism. You did vote for socialism, right stanley?
And has been advised, you really should do some investigation into what causes inflation. I hate to see you display a lack of info about this, when you are so well versed in other aspects of economics.
"Tell me how he will make affordable housing without crashing my homes value?"
So you're unwilling to have your home value "crash" in order to help out those less fortunate? Be careful, stanley, if demontard leaders find out about this, attitude you'll be standing tall before the man, trying to explain yourself!
Although, if this "crash" that you fear in your home's price is similar to the last week's stock market "crash" that you talked about in another post, then like the NASDAQ your home's value will actually go up. So good news there stanley, if you can just hang on for the "crash".