Then why don't we see past a 10 mile horizon? Why does the moon only have phases that suggest the earth is round? If the earth were flat, the moon would be lit up with a dark spot in the middle in some phases since the moon's light is just the sun's reflection and its dark part is earth blocking the sun.
And if the earth were flat, what in the world is the South Pole? How could someone have reached it? The only pole would be the North Pole, which would be at the center of the world.
Why is the equator and tropics of cancer and Capricorn the hottest places on the earth (which would make sense with a round earth bc they're closest to the sun?) Why are the north and south poles the coldest (which would also make sense with a round earth bc not only are they the farthest, but they also don't get sunlight for a long time and then get it nonstop for a similar time)? Matter of fact, the way the sun rises up near the North and South poles is a very poor case for flat earth. There are places where the sun rises and then goes in a circle across the sky and does not set for a while, whether it be two weeks or two months depending on where you are. This predicament only makes sense if the earth is round.
And Alaska weather can't be faked - millions of people live in Alaska and Canada.