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Joined 2021-06-01
To meme or not to meme, that is the question.
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Trans people, often even from a young age, come into conflict with their gender roles, and with their body as they get older. As they grow into consciousness about this, they will often explore their identity to figure out what resonates with them and their inner image of themselves that they’ve developed over time.
Who reads these in fun
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Trans people accept themselves as they are by making their bodies fit who they actually are, instead of keeping a body that conflicts with their true nature.
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This what if scenario is what it’s like for trans people every day of their lives. How better to love who you are than to make your body align with it?
remember when disney demanded several daycares to take down mickey art that was on their walls? in fun
1 up, 2d
Pov: Disney when they nuke your house (you had signed up for Disney Plus)
clone trooper in fun
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iT’s cAlLeD dArK hUmOr liBeRaL