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RedLegoMonkey (205312)
Joined 2021-01-22
Just a teenager making and viewing memes, trying to make others laugh and just having a good time. Jesus is the Lord
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Base sprites for Outertale!Frisk. Next up is varied facial expressions in Undertale
0 ups, <1h
I just noticed that one of the eyes is dark brown for some reason, probably because of the paint bucket tool. I fixed it on the website, both eyes are black now. I haven't had a chance to work on the faces until now, lol. I pulled up a bunch of reference photos, I'll probably have a full sprite sheet in the morning.
Go on. Continue it in the comments. in Undertale
0 ups, 3h
Another unrelated meme and I’m finished with them!
(If possible, if you put me in, could you use the colored sprite I made)