"I've watched numerous election night videos on YouTube from lefties who were so confident that Coup-Mala was going to win. In each of them, they are dumbfounded as to how she could have lost. Obvious that each of them lives in a bubble and bought the MSM bullshit hook line and sinker."
There are already calls for her to deny certification.
Y'know, just like Democrats LOST THEIR MINDS over the mere hypothetical discussion of in 2020, and went absolutely BlueAnon conspiracy bonkers over the notion Mike Pence might not certify.
Not just often times, but all times. They pull their fingers out of their collective bung holes and hoist them into the air to determine how to do what they want to do.
She probably would if the useless hag ever owned a real business, but she hasn't and never will own anything that actually provides anything to American citizens.