It is imperative to know that the guilty are responsible before imposing a death penalty. So, you and I definitely agree on that, lapenid.
In this case, the perps 'admitted guilt' of the crimes against their innocent children. They offered them up to their friends! There is proof positive they did what they did and hours of video tape to support it.
These two need to be executed or hung, IMO. When we choose not to protect our children in every possible manner, we fail as a nation.
The Democrats have called these abusers 'Minor Attracted Persons' or 'MAP' to lessen the stigma of pedophilia. Pedos need to know that they are unacceptable to society and that they will be punished to the max allowed under the law.
I stand behind the meme 100%. We need to crack down on these traffickers, pedophiles, and parents who abuse innocent children.
My question to you as I stated in the meme:
"Is this too light a sentence for this heinous crime?"