Tariffs are bad for the economy and I ain't no liberal. Tariffs act just like taxes do. The our government gets more money and it ends up being the consumer who pays those tariffs in the form of higher priced imported goods.
However, if what I heard is true, they may have no effect on the economy. I heard that Trump told Joe Rogan that he wants to stop all federal income tax. If that is true then you can tariff the heck out of the any country that wants to sell to America. It will bring their prices up to where American manufacturers can actually complete.
IF and only if, Trump actually does this, he must also stop printing (or digitizing) currency or at least he should slow it down to more reasonable level.
If Trump can get all that done on top of Musk and Ramaswamy clearing out dead weight in the government we will have an economic boom like this nation has ever seen. They'll takes from near great depression level to surpass Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge gave us a massive boom in the 20's and they called that the Roaring 20's. Hopefully Trump will make these 20's roar louder then a century ago.
He has a huge uphill battle with both parties and a whole lot of people in government who love the status quo. And unfortunately, a lot of good people will lose their jobs but they're parasitic jobs, they do not produce anything the only take from the economy. But with the economic boom, they should be able to find jobs in the private sector. There will be a whole lot more jobs created than Trump's 1st term.
Look for the Democrats releasing another virus so they can lock down liberal cities and try to lock down conservative cities again.