Uh.. this tells me that you can't source what you claim Trump said, but instead rely on an anti-2A activist for your version of the truth.
And they say journalism is dead in this country... ha!
But if you can source it, and in full context, please do so at once. I would like to know whether Trump actually said this or not and the context (since that actually matters...)
In the meantime, to you I would say the same thing I would say to Watts and have said to all those here on the mighty imgflip who want to take firearms away from law abiding citizens, which is... why aren't you working to amend or repeal the 2nd Amendment?
The Constitution allows for itself to be amended (you did know that... right?)
So stop just complaining and get to it! You've got a lot of work to do to get what you want. But since you're so passionate about this issue, I'm sure you're highly motivated, right?
Well, get going! Time's a wastin'!!