Because not all stereotypes are racist but almost all racist jokes are stereotypical.
I'll clarify what I mean since you didn't read what I wrote and only quoted me partially.
I said, "I wouldn’t say stereotypes are meaningful but they would be more meaningful than attempting to make a joke based on lies".
And THEN said..."You can joke about anything really"
What I'm saying is stereotypes are meaningless. Period. And while SOME stereotypes might be rooted in truth, or were once rooted in a truth, and can be a source of humor. They are ONLY superior to jokes made from lies.
That doesn't mean stereotypical jokes, or even racist jokes, are good. But they are, at least objectively, potentially funnier. Probably to racists.
Do I find jokes based on stereotypes funny? It depends. Usually on the context, how it's told, who is telling it, etc. But, in my experience, most are pretty cringe.
So, if you really want to make racist jokes... by all means... but they'll only be funny to racists. And, worse, make you look like a racist.