That is a correct sign... and YES... Lincoln was a Democrat. But,.. apparently you have not had an American education. Our history is diverse and filled with political twists and odd behaviour by our forefathers. Benjamin Franklin a British spy? What? (no.. never a british spy) and many more...
-The dominant party in U.S. politics from 1800 to 1828, the "Democratic-Republicans" split into two factions in 1828: the Federalist National Republicans and the Jacksonians Democrats.
-The "Whig" Party was a political party formed in 1834 by opponents of President Andrew Jackson and his Jacksonian Democrats, launching the 'two-party system.
-Whigs tended to be wealthy and had an aristocratic background.(Trumps family history?)
-'Jacksonian Democrats' painted the Whigs as the party of the aristocracy, they managed to win support from diverse economic groups and elected two presidents: William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor.
If you're going to attack Americans. get our history straight.
if the mod removes this... they have no education or are not American
look dude... if you need to create more misinformation, you gonna lose another election. (there are only so many uneducated 'patriots' in America.
Next time.... try running an 'actual' polititian America likes.