If a minimum wage worker spends a lifetime paying into social security to the tune of 150k that's working the average of 42 years, you would think that money would earn interest and allowed to be paid back in a lump sum, but that is not how the gov works, and they run the calculations to say you get x amount because of all your work credits, or your married and get x amount off of the spouse who paid more in vs both paying in, and if you happen to die without a spouse or children Under 18 shortly after 62 or 67 that money goes to nobody related to you. So in all actually the real question should be why is it being run a muck and why can't recipients take out a lump sum, or why is their list money not being able to will out of social security? Lots of factors at play for people living on it because the average payment is less than 2k and as low as 1,200 a month.