There are women who are 7 months pregnant and using heroin and alcohol. Just like there are parents with small children who have guns in the house, or smoke (both of which add significant risk to their children's lives.) If you're all about saving the children, then I guess you want the state to go into those parents' homes and take away their guns? Do they really "deserve the full range of choices"? I believe that they do, within the bounds of the law.
Doing drugs while pregnant is clearly the wrong choice, but I'm not locking women into purdah to keep them from making wrong choices.I think it's right to let adults be adults, rather than trying to step in between them and their doctors as they make their own medical choices.
And, here is an important issue to keep in mind: the debate about abortion is not about the abortion of 7-month pregnancies, where a normally-developing fetus would be viable outside the womb. 91% of abortions happen at or before the 12 week of pregnancy (the time when fertilization happened 10 weeks before, since pregnancies are counted from the last period rather than the fertilization date). At that point, the potential child is a blob of cells, not viable, and likely to abort naturally from a variety of causes some 20-30% of the time. There is a difference. If you ask the women you know who've been pregnant, most of them have had a spontaneous abortion in that first 12-week window. It's sad, but it's different than losing a child.