Thank you for helping ignite discussion! Realizing what I saw after trying to see it from your point of view, I found out more about myself. See other comments. Thank you!
It makes my brain feel better. .... By the way, when I look at this meme in my list, I can see a little boy in it. But when I open the image, I don't see people.but feel them.
I have a hard time with strongly complimentary color schemes, and I thought this piece was a lot too. I really love Blossom's idea of posting a picture this way, though. Maybe we need a Synesthesia Series in this stream.
Awesome idea!
How about that: you helped me, again. Just two days ago, while learning about Nick Walker (autistic) he said he has sound vision Synesthesia. I took a screen shot and noted his name so I would remember to look that up. Having read your comment, I looked it up. I'm going to spend more time learning about it. thank you!
Oh my goodness! Since peering into this image and feeling something happen in my brain, the creative juices have been flowing, I've done more research, learned several new things, and created 15 memes. I'm keeping this image around!