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BlossomRaveneski (202870)
Joined 2024-07-27
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Being Rebellious Isn't always a Bad Thing in Young_Voices_Matter
0 ups, 21h
The point being made for this stream is that if one wants to help humanity, the world, must rebel against that which is endangering humanity, the world, nature. I know you like to encourage people to believe in Jesus....his disciples were rebellious against the norms. While Jesus wanted to help humanity understand the power of love, He had to rebel. He rebelled against Evil. Because He had a mission. How did He rebel? By tapping into His higher qualities (back to the meme).
The little dog laughed, and the dish ran away with the spoon in fun
0 ups, 2d
Why do you think the calf ran away from the mommy? Daddy seemed the most freaked out by the young one. I think Dad pissed him off.
He Became a Sculptor in calvinandhobbes
0 ups, 2d
I always thought they were saluting. I don't think facepalming would have been drawn like that at the time when his comic strip was in the newspapers. They look like soldiers lined up to salute Calvin's Dad when he was walking up the path to the house...also like saying "Yes, Sir!"
When Tokens of Love Go Too Far in Imgflip_Queens
0 ups, 2d
The cleaver was the clever part!