Two arguments here: One, I still don't see you guys complaining about Jesus being made white in most representations of him in media, even though that's been proven he was middle eastern, and likely even black (and no, this doesn't show I'm a hypocrite with the next argument I'm making. I don't give a shit, I'm just explaining the problem with you guys complaining about the reverse so often). And two, art is a form of freedom of expression, which you guys keep trying to argue you're in favor of, even though you clearly aren't. If someone wants to draw a black character white, a white character black, or Sonic The Hedgehog as a f**king martian with a ten inch dick where his nose should be, there's no issue with that if you're for freedom of expression (although the last exaggerated example shouldn't be in a movie aimed at minors, obviously). Movies are also art. There's no issue with making FICTIONAL CHARACTERS a different skin color. If they're real historical figures, you have more of an argument there, but as long as we're told the correct story about them, I really don't care at all