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Frankenvoter (306873)
Joined 2017-06-05
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Untitled Image in Dark_humour
0 ups, 1mo
You get it, thx!!
Luv'd me sum Calvin and Hobbes in Dark_humour
0 ups, 2mo
(Elvis voice) Thank you, thank you very much!!
Uncle Sam don't take no sh*t in politics
0 ups, 2mo
Funny, it was directed at a certain person, they know who they are, but LOL!!
Tit for tat in Dark_humour
0 ups, 2mo
Its from the movie Spinal Tap, when I need that extra little mmmmph, I turn it up to 11, Rob Reiner says "most amps go to 10" and Christopher guest says "Yeah, but this one goes to 11" the human tarantula that has been in my life trying to spin me in her web is finding that out right now
Just something that happened on the road in Dark_humour
0 ups, 2mo
Just depends who the person is, some of the most admireable men Ive ever watched and tried to emmulate are those who can but dont, I can punch your lights out if I wanted to, but I'd rather put a smile on your face, that's what I genereally mean Happy New Year!!