Whataboutism is a last resort when you have no way to make a legitimate point.
Why don't you mention that this move violates the separation of church and state (these are not private schools) and that the SCOTUS has consistently ruled against religious activity in public schools for a variety of sound Constitutional reasons, with a notable recent exception:
- Engel v. Vitale (1962)
- Lee v. Weisman (1992)
- Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006)
The issue with the current SCOTUS (the exception I mentioned) and why Louisiana probably feels emboldened to make this move, could relate to Kennedy v. Bremerton (2022) in which a high school football coach sued his employer for limiting his prayer activity with the team, and particularly the 50 yard line after games. The court ruled 6-3 that the school may not suppress an individual from engaging in personal religious observance, as doing so would violate the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses of the First Amendment.
So this is one example of an issue where republicans, imo, lose objectivity and become hypocrites, just like our Dem friends are hypocrites on so many issues. The 'pubs simply cannot resist trying to establish a religion in public (i.e. govt funded) schools whenever possible, in spite of claiming to be strict Constitutionalists. Religion really should be taught in the home, separate from public schools. If someone opposes that, I would have to ask them what it is they fear about not being able to force their religion on others. Are they worried that their religion is so weak that it can't stand on its own, without being forced on school kids?