3 days freezing weather in Feb 2021, and Texans were dying, hollering for FEMA. To deliver them water. Water. With 1.5" of snow on the windowsill.
Food too, oil, electricity... Because they were too independent for the energy grid. 3 days of mild winter weather for most of the rest of the US, and it was a disaster zone complete with Apocalyptic overtones.
Living in a far rougher terrain with far worse winters and no comfy cul-de-sac track housing to hinder emergency deliveries should the lights go out in an area it doesn't have electricity makes Afghans a little more accustomed to do without the accoutrements that Americans can't live without. 8-hour blackout on a hot summer day, and dozens of people die in the US. If it wasn't for the TVA and air conditioning, there wouldn't be millions of people living in the South. Literally. I'm not joking, you can look this up.
The military doesn't have to do squat, not a single shot fired, nothing. All they have to do is allow people to get what they want. Disconnected. Disconnected from the power grid, disconnected from commerce, disconnected from gas and food deliveries. No trucks delivering to the Walmart means mass starvation.
Oh, but the Second Amendment, rural areas, guns owned by every member of the family, hunting... How did that pan out in Texas, of all places, in 2021?
Hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves... Nature itself would kill millions of people before they have a chance to get the answer to "Where did my Wi-Fi connection go?"