I don't trust the media. The Internet is not a completely untrustworthy place, however. I do see that the government uses the media to keep people stupid, because you're right, it's true, they do that. I guess that we simply look at corruption from opposing angles. I'll give you credit, I usually only focus on corruption on the opposite side of what I personally believe, but I think we could all use some introspection. Anyways, I'm not brainwashed. I think for myself, and that's why I usually try to stay out of politics, and why I'm a centerist, or more moderate conservative. I just think there are some positive things about the Democratic initiative.
I've lived in a foreign country for two years, and while there, I saw how their government worked, rather quite fascinating. The country was Sweden. They were able to figure out their issues with immigration, by blocking it completely. They had all these issues with crime, but they figured it out. On a separate note, I don't see why we can't do the same thing about this crisis.
The media used to be the facts, you remember this im sure. Now, sadly that has gone the way of the dodo. It isn't all facts anymore, too much clutter. I just want real information