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HenryMalloyBigBlueOtter (66319)
Joined 2022-10-18
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I had this crazy idea so I'm interested to hear what you guys would think of. in Pokemon_stream
1 up, 3w
first some pokemon for taking over places without force: zoroark, those illusions will come handy, Malamar, hypnosis is also helpful, literally any pokemon with teleport, for fun I'll say alakazam, and chatot for mimicking voices. now for some power houses: metagross, he's just good and can mega, garchomp, for the same reasons. with this team i can trick or control almost anyone, and if that doesn't work i have enough firepower to take a country by force.
chat continue roasting him because he thinks that shit wasnt funny in rareinsults
0 ups, 3w
i would cook him, but i would want to eat that.
2 in you-had-one-job
1 up, 2mo
what is it with people and not knowing how to do math