yeah we need a update for the end dimension again, I mean like the last end update is cool with end cities, BUT WE NEED MORE!
after all, if they updated the nether why not update the end
The end already got its update, they added literally so much stuff and don't say to me "iT sTiLl fEeLs EmPtY" its literally supposed to feel empty that's the whole point
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
I mean they could add just a little more stuff since it has been YEARS since the last end update
Yes because they needed more stuff. The end does not. The whole point of it is to feel like this infinite void that you could get lost in forever. If they just fill it all up with a bunch of random stuff, it won't be creepy like its supposed to.
0 ups, 8mo,
1 reply
My idea is that they don't add a bunch of useless stuff but instead a few pieces here and there in the end that make it creepier