It would have been better if democrats would have cut the budget also as promised. Now we have crony capitalism. Rich people do several good things with their money, and one bad. They spend it, save it, invest it, donate it and waste it on frivolous things. The one bad thing they do with it is pay taxes. Wasting it is one of the most productive uses of the rich. When rich people waste money on frivolous things that they don’t need, those things become necessity’s for the middle class. The following inventions were frivolous and unnecessary at the time. Telephones, automobiles, TV’s, air conditioning, mobile phones, airplane travel, home computers, heart transplants, and many more. Taking money from rich people, reduces the chance, or time frame for other future necessities for the middle. What might those be? Space travel, medical breakthroughs, anti-gravity? Capitalism is the answer, not government.