I know drunk driving is illegal.
If it wasn't it would be much more rampant and many more INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS would be murdered in their steel and plastic wombs by drunk drivers.
Of course you should provide the option to extract a dead fetus from the mother's womb.
Of course you should provide the option to remove a congenitally malformed, i e. no brain, no heart, fetus from the mother's womb.
Of course you should provide the option of having the choice whether to extract a fetus causing/suffering from a condition that may kill the mother before the baby is able to survive outside the womb or to take your chances.
I will add that up until maybe hundred years ago (+/-) none of these options existed.
A woman either lived or died, the baby either lived or died, and you got what you got hoping that they had ten fingers, ten toes.
But going out, putting out, then making others responsible for your carelessness by forcing them to pay by proxy for your recreational abortion (baby murder) is an offense to them and makes them complicit in the abortion.
Accessibility will always be debated by society because babies are how society is replenished.
Accepted by society as a whole will never happen and cannot be forced because babies are how society is replenished.
It is legal to some degree in most states, be content with that.