"How come you wrote Bush Recession during the Obama years? Yes, there was a recession when the housing bubble burst...."
Yes the housing bubble burst.. the stock market was crashing.... huge banks were failing.... Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Washington Mutual, Ameribank etc were failing......... and the labor force participation rate had already begun to decline.
Pointing to it continuing to decline after Obama got elected and saying "AHA look what Obama did".... but not allowing me to attribute the recession which precipated that chain of events and began under Bush to Bush... seems somewhat absurd.
But to be fair "Bush Recession" IS somewhat vague considering apparently there were 2 of them which began "under his watch". The first one apparently began only 2 months after Bush was inaugurated in though so eh..
Anywho that (2nd) recession was a complete sh*t show. A sh*t show that Bush started, handed to Obama, and Obama finished... In part by spending our way out of it. I wonder if they had said f*ck it, let the banks fail, and not spent a dime of stimulus where we would've ended up.
If labor force participation merely going up slightly is evidence of a "boom" well... good news everybody. We're in a boom right now.
If you want me to cover said "boom"/ how its going with biden, cool. I will do another chart with trump handing a piece of sh*t to Biden. .....The labor force participation rate is still "the economy", right?