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10 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
The Department of Homeland Security is always a joke when Democrats control either the Executive Branch or the House of Representatives of the Legislative Branch because they go ultra WOKE during that time period rather than attend to the business of safeguarding this nation.
8 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
I think it is clear now that the DHS really works for the UN, it stopped working for te USA long ago.
9 ups, 9mo
That's a good point. In any event they very definitely are not taking care of business inside the United States . . . or they would have used their legal authority to shut down the open southern border for the good of the nation, instead of firmly looking the other way.
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
It NEVER did.

All of its action has been directed at US citizens.
4 ups, 9mo
I think it is clear to anyone watching that most US federal agencies really work for the UN not the American people. More so under obloa and biden but I am not sure looking backwards that they ever worked for us.
7 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
And with scum like that living next door, it’s more important than ever to be armed
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
If you stand up to them, they will remain peaceful, most muslims that I have met were cowards unless they had enough numbers to act out.
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
That is not what 1400 years of continuous warfare shows.
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
You and your ignorance, you really need to educate yourself.
5 ups, 9mo
State how many years muslims have been at war.
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
Actually, to be fair there has been the Arab–Byzantine wars. BurntFingerForge is correct that there has been 1400 years of warfare (I'm not sure if it is actually continuous but I'd have to google whether there has been other wars that occurred straight after the Arab-Byzantine wars)
0 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
I've now done some research from University of Oxford that Muslims were the undisputed rulers of the Middle East from the seventh century onward, but they presided over a mixed society in which they were often dramatically outnumbered by non-Muslims.

The Middle East prior to that was Christian majority.

You have anything to comment?
1 up, 9mo
You shall now be blocked till you answer my question

............... or just stop pretending
0 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Sure one war may not be continuous, but many other wars may have appeared. Some years may have had a gap but other years would have had continuous fighting. Sure you might not have physical wars that Muslims and Christians have been involved in, but in Muslim countries, they have persecuted Christians. Those Muslims are not the same as Muslims from the west.

But if we had the GOP in charge forever, Muslims would end up being persecuted by Republican Christian Nationalists. Don't blame the religion, blame the ideology
1 up, 9mo
Um, you really REALLY need to look things up.

But let's apply a little logic here, shall we? Or just basic math, as in add and subtract:

What's the majority religion in the Middle East and Central Asia?
Ok, now tell me, how many centuries ago did they finish wiping everyone else out?

Take all the time you want, and bear in mind we're including the years PRIOR to 1948.

Do not, and I mean, DO NOT reply to this till you can tell me what year were people of all other religions exirtpated. k?
8 ups, 9mo
Just about 1400 in Israel.
6 ups, 9mo
How many people are killed each year by "white extremists?

By radical Zionists?

Gimme numbers!
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
I get curious about Palestinian people that fled the contested region and then engage in clamoring support for the Palestinian people.

If you "stand with Palestine" then fight Hamas. They are causing you trouble and to lose thousands of lives.

It's not an Israeli genocide that exists, it is a Palestinian suicide.
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
I was shown a palestinian math book, it had problems like your pistol hold 6 shots, how many Jews can you kill? Those kids are raised to be killers, they are not innocent, they never had the chance to be.
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
The "Shame on you Society" don't understand the difference in Islam and Radical Islam.

They are fanatics.

They are willing to strap explosives to their bodies and detonate themselves to achieve their goals.

How is it the same people terrified of a group that blew up abortion clinics not equally terrified of a group that blows up cafes, buses, sporting events, office buildings, airplanes, you name it, on a REGULAR basis for what they believe in?

I don't know any religious pro life extremists that strapped HE to any child and sent them into a packed abortion clinic under the guise of looking for mommy until the detonator was activated remotely by the man holding the cell phone a safe distance away.

The children are indoctrinated from birth to be injustice gatherers and worked into a frenzy by their mentors into committing the most heinous acts imaginable.

This is strategic because to the rest of the world killing a kid creates a hesitancy to act, looks bad, and makes you feel bad afterwards.

These Islamic groups have a death grip on the utilization of war craft from eons past...

Maybe the "I Stand for Whatever's Popular" people don't know how the word INFANTRY came into being.
3 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Islam is the only religion that demands outsiders fight criticism of its practices. If islam had a good side anywhere, we would have noticed by now. Instead, we see muslims migrating to non islamic countries to find a better life, leaving behind rulers with billions that ignored them, their needs and their futures. Predictably, low education, no modern values, no job skills lead to criminal acts, violence and demands for special treatment. Everyone that complains about the newly arrived cavemen is branded as islamophobia. A stupid term, no one fears islam, they should be called islam aware.
2 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
There's often something to be saud for the old adage - if the shoe fits, wear it.

Is every follower of Islam a degenerate, murderous terrorist?


When the Islamic fanatics are not terrorizing the world they are terrorizing the peaceful people of Islam.

How is anyone supposed to sort them out?

Wait to be a victim and your final words be "aha, i knew it!"?

The Palestinian people have done nothing to out the Hamas and other terroristic type militants hiding among them.

That makes them complicit and subjects them and their children to harm and death.

You have choices in life. Sometimes your continued existence relies on the option you choose.

It comes down to this...

I don't want to fight you, I don't want to kill you, but I damn sure will.
2 ups, 9mo
Well said
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Finally, a politics post I agree with!
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
I think the irony scale is broken
1 up, 9mo
Wait no maybe it isn't, idfk
2 ups, 9mo
1 up, 9mo
4 ups, 9mo
china owns congress, he can't stop that
7 ups, 9mo,
6 replies
I am a combat vet I met your peaceful muslims and I killed them. Not all gang members are killers, not all Nazi's gassed Jews, not all drug dealers sell to children. Until I see prominent islamic clerics condemning terrorist groups like hamas, speaking out against jihad as a practice, demanding that violence against Jews end and tolerance of outside religions begin you can just shut up about these peaceful kinder muslims you claim exist.
2 ups, 9mo
3 ups, 9mo
White people, amirite...
3 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
he don't have any. ofc Muslim people (except for the terrorist ones) are against terrorism, he living under a rock or something.
3 ups, 9mo
Technically you are correct, muslims refuse to call justifying attacks against non muslims terrorism, they prefer the term jihad and not terrorism, that is common throughout the islamic world. What muslims do not get to do is decide what we call jihad, so we call it terrorism.
2 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
3 ups, 9mo
Wait, are you saying the US government is comprised?
6 ups, 9mo,
3 replies
It has something to do with an evil how to create chaos book.
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Most muslims are really nice. You need to get a f**king life
4 ups, 9mo
😄spoken like a really nice person.

Did you get your congeniality from most muslim people?
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Not ALL Muslims are Terriorists
5 ups, 9mo
Ok, so there are backsliders, not much of a help is it.
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
Never read it, you tell me.
3 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
He/she has never read the Bible, or the Torah, or the Quran.

Moving on.
3 ups, 9mo
I have a quran cair dropped off at my high school back in the day, my education on Islam comes from that, interaction with the members of the islamic death cult and terps that worked with us against them. They were quick to teach us how to listen to their more violence prone cousins and how the amount of violence in areas under muslim control is dependent on two main factors, the number of muslim residents and who controlled the area politically.
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
"Peaceful people" with rifles send rapid fire in your direction can no longer be considered peaceful people.

"Innocent children" placing explosives along roadside holes and concealing them in order to maim and kill you can no longer be considered innocent children.

If Hamas muslim militants are so "peaceful", why did they tell the Palestinians to not evacuate the places Hamas muslim militants are hiding?
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply

I am defending the killing of radicalized children.

Hamas is killing children and using them as soldiers.

Are you defending that?
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
What is messed up?


You are speaking from the viewpoint of one who has never been in combat and had to make immediate decisions which affect your continued existence.

I suppose you would lay down your rifle and allow the child to kill you because he's just a kid.

Or perhaps you would try to call him over for a hug and a heart to heart conversation and this would inspire him to throw down his weapons and run off to ponder his gender identity and sexuality.


If that kid is not radicalized then that is even more to the point.

Say the words:

You are okay with Hamas having entered people's homes and murdering Jewish children.

You are okay with Hamas using Palestinian children as soldiers and shields.
4 ups, 9mo
I, likewise, have already told you multiple times, the kid with the gun, carrying the ordinance, strapped with explosives, etc.

That kid is radicalized.

Or more detrimental to your position - not radicalized.

I like to give kids the benefit of the doubt in the situation and me the piece of mind that neither of us had a choice.

Can I make that piece of information any clearer to you?

Tell me how and I will.

Or do you prefer just repeating your authorized lines over and over again?

You still haven't said why you are ok with Hamas having killed Jewish children and using Palestinian kids in the fight for their cause, which coincidentally, is the cause of the Palestinian people.
1 up, 9mo
∆ Radicalized kid shoots you.

∆ Non radicalized kid shoots you.

Which do you consider worse?
0 ups, 9mo
I said radicalized children OR WORSE YET children that aren't radicalized.

The qualifier to my statement, and you already know this, is the child is armed.

You think I'm on a rooftop plinking kids like it's a carnival game?

Stop resorting to semantics because you found yourself in a corner and don't want to admit you would everything, anything, you could to incapacitate a child intent on doing you harm.
1 up, 9mo
Then you will suffer from your decision to not engage an armed child intent on doing you harm should you ever find yourself in that position.

But it is easy to "talk big" when you know you won't because SOBs like me exist and won't let that happen if we are on the scene.

You are still evading.

Yes or no - You find it acceptable that Palestinian Hamas militants intentionally and willfully murdered children.
4 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
5 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
How are the three groups you named different?
2 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
You have made my point.

Ideology is the difference.
2 ups, 9mo
I do.
4 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
You are evading the topic.

They all kill others for ideology.
3 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
They care about the ideology of garnering "respect" for heinous criminal activity.

You are under the common incorrect assumption that gang members have a lot of money.

Most live with their momma and make less than $5,000/year.

Don't let the stolen sneakers and high end clothes they wear fool you.
3 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
Again, you are ignoring ideological factors projected through commission of VIOLENT crimes.

They aren't killing each other "to put bread on their tables".
3 ups, 9mo
Do you care about money?
2 ups, 9mo
You are incorrect in your analysis.

Do you care about money?
5 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
I never said that you did, I would have told you muslims are far worse. Gang members just want to control the areas they live in, Nazi's just wanted to control the lives of what they saw as a master race and to keep it in power globally, islam wants to convert or kill everyone not like them. By comparison muslims are the worst of the three groups you mentioned.
2 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
How do you come to that conclusion?

Because people say that or did you interview every muslim on earth?

Tell me, how do you determine which muslims support violence and which ones don't?
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
2 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
No thank you.

If you read them you could provide the results, the group performing the study, etc.

I do not believe you that studies exist that tell you how to distinguish a muslim supportive of violence from a muslim unsupportive of violence.
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
2 ups, 9mo
1 up, 9mo,
1 reply
One old barometer of violent tendencies is the exhibiting of violent tendencies.
2 ups, 9mo
As has been demonstrated time and again.
1 up, 9mo,
2 replies
2 ups, 9mo
1 up, 9mo
Common unfunny W
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