Because "do as you would have done;" you forced an ignorant canard on me so I'm going to return the favor and force facts on you.
1. You're running that same old pathetic, garbage argument of masks being ineffective against COVID because of the size of the individual virus body.
2. The virus isn't out floating loose all by its onsies, no, it's contained in mucosal particulate -intake of which is stopped/reduced by even a single layer of fabric. Of course, if you were 1/100th as informed as you apparently believe yourself to be, you'd know that -but you've quite handily proven you're not.
And that's it -it's over. You know, this is just an extension of you not noticing the difference between a triangle and half-circle. I mean... the achilles heel of your "argument" meme is right there in plain sight -a person's gotta be pretty effin' oblivious not to see something that's right in front of their eyes...
Eh, whatever... if you'd like to keep being run through the wringer, I'll keep cranking the handle for as long as you wish. Let's play. 😆