And I cannot believe how much of a pass the left is giving Joe Biden. He is probably the most racist president since LBJ. And you guys call Trump a racist. Trump has been given awards by various black groups over his life time. He had more black voters than any Republican has had since the blacks were coerced to leave the party that freed them and into the party that tried to keep them enslaved.
When the left, all of the sudden, started their campaign to end discrimination, I remember some of that as a kid. Two words were thrown about all of the time, discrimination and prejudice.
Prejudice is a word that means to pre-judge. In the case of blacks, it was to make assumptions about them solely based on their skin color. I haven't heard that word used very much in the last 20+ years. Why? BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU GUYS DO TO US EVERY DAY. Hardly a day passes, if I am watching TV, that some blather nitwit on the left goes off on how racist the right is.
And here you are just blindly following along. Being every bit as prejudice against people you know nothing about. Just because we disagree with you does not mean we are racists. Being Anti-communist, anti-fascist, anti-nazi, anti-socialist, anti-Marxist and anti-statist does NOT mean we are racists. There is no correlation between the two. Being opposed to losing all our freedom does not make one a racist.
Oh and you can have those Neo-Nazis, KKK and any other groups of nitwits like that back. They started in the Democrat Party and for whatever reason decided to go to the right. We don't want them. We never wanted them. You can take them back, they're yours and yours alone. They think like you, they talk like you and we just don't like them. Never have and never will.
I sometimes think the Democrat party leadership made some kind of a deal with them if they all became Republican because they all seemed to come over all at one time. They are not pro-freedom, none of them.
And don't ever try to come off saying that you antifa guys are pro-freedom. You guys sicken those of us who truly are pro-freedom. Freedom for all is mandatory at the individual level. Collective freedom, the kind of freedom that Marxists like to pass off as being pro-freedom, is NOT freedom. It is tyranny.
If you cannot support maximum freedom at the individual level - REGARDLESS OF RACE, GENDER, WHATEVER - then kindly renounce your citizenship and move to North Korea where you can be truly happy.