For the record - i am not referring to women or minorities being barred from voting, nor am I referring to anything regarding Trump's assertions of stolen election from 2020 to present, or Hillary's assertions of stolen election from 2016 to present
I am referring to the fact there were no "parties" (they should gave written that in since they knew them to be disastrous) and the candidate with the highest number of votes was president and the candidate that came in second was the vice president.
Hillary coulda been the first female VP, maybe in 4-8 years the first female President (besides her being a scum bag).
Oh, the glass ceilings she coulda shattered instead of bonking her head on them like a bird hitting a freshly cleaned sliding glass door.
Joe Biden, if it was a coup, would have had Trump as a VP taking care of business and holding things down internationally. But, I allow Trump would not have remained silent while Biden & Co., kept stacking up that bribe money.
Or, everything coulda been alright and we'd all be friends, loving our country, our way of life, and the sound of freedom.