There is so much wrong with your post that I have no idea where to start but here goes. First, it is hard to take any comment about any subject seriously when you start by admitting you only tried it once.
Secondly, you said you went to share your views and not to learn, which was not received well, nor should it have been. Those types of discussions do not take place during a service, seek out a local Christian, grab a seat and expect to spend weeks going through your list of questions. Worst case you make a friend outside of your normal social circle, best case you learn to accept and understand someone else's worldview. Although you meant no disrespect it was, do you think walking into a steak restaurant and wanting the staff to stop what they were doing and discuss vegan lifestyle would have gone off any better?
Lastly, you still think you get to set the rules "I’ll go back to church once they start treating their guests like Jesus would have." I have gone to church most of my life and I can't tell you what Jesus would do. You only got one thing right, you do not belong in church if your only goal was to attack their faith, you have no baseline knowledge and no desire to learn or to change. By Christian standards, you are as lost as a person can get. To end on a positive note, so are most of the people in the church you mentioned. Every church is full of lost people, Christians working hard on their faith journeys, and everyone is welcomed.
What should have happened if you found someone to talk faith with, and expected them to mentor, teach, and explain why they believed what they believe. What they expect to gain from their faith and not expected them to adopt your standards. I encourage you to try again, there are hundreds of places online that can help you with your questions and when you are ready to share views, find a church and start over.