Still 100% unable to stay on point, hey Stanley?
Common sense dictates that if you could refute what the meme says, you would.
But since you can't, you turn to old reliable "diaped donnie" attacks to deflect from the fact that the current generation of Dems (starting with Obama, HRC, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, et al) are about as corrupt as it gets. They and the media (aka the propaganda arm of the DNC) hide facts from we in the public to protect their criminals.
You know it too, so you do exactly what your leaders do. Instead of attempting to defend Dem corruption, you attack the Orange Man.
Other than it being the tactic of the morally bankrupt, I can't blame you because so far it's worked quite well.
But I think even you, Stanley, will have to admit that we're just about at an inflection point with the media, where there is so much evidence of Dem corruption, that even they will turn on their masters at the DNC and start to investigate.
Good luck to you then, Stanley.