Before you do any surgery, please read as much as you can on the subject and thoroughly think it through. You seem to be a young person and it would be wise to not do anything like that on a whim, taking the time to understand yourself first. Some outcomes of surgeries are irreversible and you would want functionality which is not guaranteed. I have read of many disappointed people who wish they still had their original genitalia. Knowledge is power so please do your due diligence so you know all the facts and can make a good decision for yourself.
The reality is that there is a lot of money in that type of surgery. As a person who revered Doctors 'all of my life', I changed my opinion drastically after the Covid plandemic. Doctors were not as concerned about their patients as they were about making money. The lives of many people were taken or compromised unnecessarily and people are still dealing with the consequences today.
You mentioned that it is a mental issue; those issues guide us on our journeys through life so I am glad you are aware. Please talk to people you trust who are in your corner, have no ulterior motives and want to help make 'YOU feel better'. I wish you so much luck, AAG!