Well ‘ello there idiots! Here’s what Australia thinks of ya! But b4 I start I would like to say that I agree with ZivAu’s statement about the atomic bomb, especially bc if it wasn’t invented, the world wouldn’t be endangered by russia and their tsar bomba rn. However, I agree with thelizardking__’s statement about the Iraq and Afghanistan war for if that were untrue, Ukraine wouldn’t have joined that war (no I’m not talking about WWIII ok).
Now! Time to give u mind numbingly stupid failures a piece of my mind! America is a stupid, overrated country. They think they’re so strong and smart lol! First of all, yes everyone should have the right to bear arms. But that isn’t restricted to guns u stupid failures! Arms are weapons, and anything can be weapons. Knives, chainsaws, a guy, from Melbourne, used a jar of Nescafé 43 blend to fight off a carjacker! An American general said that America is an 800 ibs gorilla that can take down Australia’s slow defences. I read that statement and I laugh 🤣. It took America TWO atomic bombs to take down Japan, meanwhile Japan couldn’t even touch Australian land, and while we’re on the topic of animals here, Australia has animals that could easily kill an 800 ibs gorilla. Many snakes, great white sharks, magpies, SALTWATER CROCODILES! I wouldn’t put killing a gorilla passed a red back if I do say so myself. Now back to the topic of defences, we have America trying to get Australia to fight China their way, bc they think it’s the best way, but Australia knows damn well they’re too good for that. America is a weak ass country that relies WAYYYY too much on nuclear weapons. America either has an Oompa Loompa for a president, or a guy that is always falling down stairs!
So therefore I say, ZivAu, America is already weak as f**k. Stop trying to make it weaker with gay fem boys. As 4 u, thelizardking__, y don’t u just stick to being the king of lizards ok, bc the human world is clearly not 4 uncultured inbreds like u.
TL;DR: America is russia’s long lost twin and u both suck.