Gays are unfortunately murdered for existing in middle eastern and African countries but not in the west. Also you are wrong, straight people aren't making everything about themselves, it's the gays, always the gays, at least in the west. In Western countries you always see lgbt symbolism when it's not even near pride month, almost every multinational corporation supports lgbt movements in the west and major cities in the west always host pride street festivals just for the gays. Western lgbt activists do in fact make their movements all about themselves, their movements don't even care about lgbt people who are persecuted in middle eastern and countries, these lgbt movements basically only focus on Western gays who already have their rights, not gays who are denied the rights they need. You criticize me and act as if I was completely unaware of how gays are murdered in anti-lgbt countries like Saudi Arabia but you should really tell that to your fellow lgbt people who make things all about themselves and not care about lgnt people in such countries.