To answer your question below: yes im painfully aware of the bullying in private schools (having been through it myself) but i suspect that not *every* private school is like that. (Or at least i hope so)
There is way more bullying in public than private. Difference between free and paid is that when you pay with your money you get to choose. BTW nothing good will come from talking to those two trolls. Best to ignore. Cheers!
Your right in that regard but my point still stands: homeschooling and private schools are a solution to the force fed propoganda and bullying (both from teachers and students) that come from public schools.
Two things -
1) Courts should not get to decide what is or isn't scientific theory(a sound idea yet to be proven beyond a doubt as truth) or scientific law(an absolute truth).
2) Courts should not get to decide what can or cannot be taught to children.
The only times the courts should be involved in either is when the laws of a land are being broken in some way.