There is a lot of variety in government as we know it, but they are all unfair. That's not so difficult to believe, is it? If someone has power, they use it to keep it, right? So, then they keep it whether it's fair or not for them to keep it. So, since people CAN enslave their nations, they do.
If the single tax (the land issue) were obviously a bad idea, there would be no need for history books and economics books to ignore it. It would be explained and debunked. But, instead, though being a prominent part of history and of economics, the land issue is omitted from the teaching of history and of economics.
The reason is the rich need the poor. Without systemic poverty, there would not be an army of people lined up to drive the limos and keep the gardens. But, if the public knew about the land issue, we would demand the single tax.