"Believing in what idea?"
"For the nth time, belief is irrelevant. I deal in facts, not in "I'm .75 GOPer, you're 57% Libz" or some inane nonsense like that."
I also deal with facts too...
imgflip.com/i/7bhbab (Criticised a Far-Right Party in Australia called One Nation for their hypocrisies)
imgflip.com/i/7bh6du (Debunked the claims that the Aerial Objects shot down by the Biden Govt were from the Chinese Govt)
imgflip.com/i/7ay0jj (Criticised the GOP for going too much to the right).
imgflip.com/i/79xcz2 (Criticised that Donald Trump is Right Wing to Far Right, despite Conservatives claiming that Trump is only Right Wing).
imgflip.com/i/78o2vd (Criticised Kanye West for possibly heading off to Australia)
imgflip.com/i/77mmtp (Criticised The overprotection of Djokovic)
imgflip.com/i/77mab7 (Criticised Djokovic the anti vaxxer)
These were the memes I made that were pretty mainstream within a month
"AGAIN, and I'm trying to help you here. If you're maturing past this, congrats. MAGA lite doesn't make it better. RINO, btw, is still a disparaging term, not a level."
The term RINO (Republican in Name Only) is definitely disparaging, but I've been trying to reclaim the term into (Republican into Neoconservatism and other) just like what the left did with many words that were once offensive to say.
And yes you are trying to help me