Infection Fatality Rate is much less than 1% - over all. Elderly and infirm, were a little more susceptible to the effects of the BioWeapon.
But the vast majority of "Covid Deaths" were actually caused by lack of appropriate, timely care, using proven protocols, like the Fareed-Tyson Protocol, the Zelenko Protocol, the McCullough protocol, or the FLCCC(.NET)'S I-MATH/I-MASK etc.. Also wrongly included in the grossly overinflated and misattributed "Covid Deaths" statistics - are people who were killed by the Experimental Synthetic mRNA Gene Therapy Injections, whether from adverse events, or Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), 'original antigenic sin', and a large number of people who presented with fatal injuries, but then tested positive on a(n often faulty) PCR test upon admission, or on the way to the morgue. On the list of Covid deaths, a close look reveals people with gunshot wounds, falling off a roof, alcohol poisoning, car accidents, stage 4 cancer/in hospice care, etc..