No, he wasn’t taking horse meds.
But because human dosages for ivermectin weren’t approved to be used against Covid, except in extreme cases, and was either expensive or not otherwise prescribable; supposedly some people began selling/buying up the horse meds because they were cheaper and easier to buy. This lead to the CDC having to release a statement not to take horse meds. They did release another statement clarifying that ivermectin WAS a possible treatment but recommended to be used only in trials until verified. Initial trials, said it can bring down inflation in some severe Covid cases. Then later trials appeared to show no significant difference to people who took ivermectin and who did not.
Now, apparently, this new trial, funded by Gates, seems to vindicate ivermectin’s use. Whether this is the actual consensus or, again, pro-ivermectin/anti-vaxxers again misinterpreting data, like they have before or if there is any truth that the overall trials have arrived at this conclusion is inconclusive to my research. So I’m extremely skeptical. Apparently Ivermectin might be useful. But the same sources reporting this are turning their noses up that the same people who are telling them, “yup, it works,” are also advocating using it in conjunction with other medication in the form of an injection. Because antivaxxer have a problem with needles but not swallowing pills, apparently. Even though the effective combination doesn’t rely on Ivermectin alone.
Because they’d rather have a cheap, already made, miracle drug then something that’s actually effective.
Which is understandable. I get the caution of seeing drug companies profit over sick people.
The thing is, the jokes on them.
It’s profitable even if they don’t take the right drugs. It only stops being profitable if people die, of course. Which they claim is precisely what the covid vaccines do. And I get that too! The individuals allegedly dying from it aren’t paying for it, our collective taxes are. So they get paid even if it doesn’t work or worse. A good reason for antivaxxers to be skeptical. Ignoring, of course, that the vaccines aren’t killing people. Covid is. Just not as many as it was before. Because the vaccines work.