I can identify with everything in your post. We most likely grew up in the same era.
I'm certain you owned the same three type guns. Deer and bear rifles, Shotguns, small (.22) cal squirrel and rabbit guns.
There were always handguns around. Usually as finishing off weapon for deer or bear, home protection, or just plinking cans and paper targets.
That said, I also agree with your view on assault style weapons and how they hold no value in realistic and traditional hunting.
As far as purchasing guns, again, I agree with the ease of buying all types of weapons outside of gun shops and bypassing taxes, registrations or documentation of sale.
Problem is, where can you draw a line on the right of American citizens not to be mowed down by high capacity semi autos vs. 2nd amendment rights?
Change is inevitable, but change seems to make some people pissed.