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327 views 6 upvotes Made by i_only_love_intellectual_talk 2 years ago in atheist
2 ups, 2y,
2 replies
I hate parents who force their children into their religion, letting no choice but to believe. Religion is a choice, not a cult.
2 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Its identity, they want to spread their societal/cultural identity... so they don't really have a choice.
2 ups, 2y
No, no. He's got a point | image tagged in no no he's got a point | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 2y
Hatred, that's lovely.
2 ups, 2y,
3 replies
RESISTANCE IF FUTILE. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
You mean like this indoctrination in our public schools?
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
"It's funny how atheists always condemn Lot, but never the Sodomites, who wanted to rape the men who had come to visit Lot"

Because it goes without saying that gang rape is wrong. It's funny how Christians never condemn Lot for offering his own children to be gang raped. Here's your chance. Do you condemn Lot for that?

"We get the term "Sodomy" from this homosexual community"

From the made-up story, yes

"Gay, Bisexual,Trans are all condemned by the Torah"

So is eating shrimp. So what?

"Jesus Saves today!"

So when is he going to tell me that himself?

"Search Youtube for "sodom and gomorrah archeology" "

Okay, but it's still a fairytale. There have not been any archaeological discoveries which have confirmed the actual story in the Bible. Even if two cities existed, that doesn't mean a story that takes place in the cities is true.
0 ups, 2y
"Do you condemn Lot for that?"

I have repeatedly condemned Lot for that. The Bible condemns Lot's behavior.
The whole point of the story was God's plan to remove Lot and family before he destroyed the place. So He wouldn't have allowed Lot to do so anyway.

Lot was an imperfect sinner like the rest of us who made bad decisions, but he is called Righteous because he believed God's warning by faith. (his "sons-in-law" did not, and were vaporized. and yes, they were 100% married) Lot was "saved" from destruction because of his faith in what God said. That's the theme of the Bible salvation by simple faith.

"So when is he going to tell me that himself?"

When you read the Gospel of Matthew or Mark or Luke or John! Take your pick.

Before you start, ask him this: "Jesus if you are real, will you please speak to me?"
I dare you.
1 up, 2y,
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That's not indoctrination, and it's not religious
2 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Re-defining moral standards of right and wrong to be the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches. Hmmm... if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, its a religious movement.
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
"Re-defining moral standards of right and wrong to be the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches"

Who's doing that? And even when that does happen, so what? Not everything the Bible says is right is actually right, and not everything the Bible says is wrong is actually wrong.
2 ups, 2y,
3 replies
For centuries people have understood the crystal clear teaching of the Bible that "sodomy" (from the famous example of destruction,) and men dressing as women, and many other sexually deviant behaviors are "detestable" to God. Today, LGBTQ DEMANDS that everyone accept their perverted lifestyles as "normal", or else. A strong-arm religious movement if ever there was one. . Fortunately, Jesus will forgive and save "whosoever" comes to him by faith and repentance. Jesus Saves!
1 up, 2y,
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"For centuries people have understood the crystal clear teaching of the Bible that "sodomy" (from the famous example of destruction,) and men dressing as women, and many other sexually deviant behaviors are "detestable" to God"

The Bible doesn't say that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of same sex activity. And just because people used to go along with something the Bible said doesn't make it okay. The Bible allows people to own slaves, and slavery in the United States was justified because of that.

"Today, LGBTQ DEMANDS that everyone accept their perverted lifestyles as "normal", or else"

No they don't. And calling it a "perverted lifestyle" is insulting and false. Some people are attracted to the same sex. Those people should be treated the same as everyone else because they aren't hurting anyone.

"A strong-arm religious movement if ever there was one"

It's not religious

"Fortunately, Jesus will forgive and save "whosoever" comes to him by faith and repentance. Jesus Saves!"

If you think he's alive right now and wants me to hear that message, get him to tell me that himself. I have no reason to believe what you say when you claim to speak for him.
2 ups, 2y,
1 reply
I encouraged you multiple times in the past to read the Gospel of John. Did you ever get there?
I think you take pleasure in labeling God a hater, and seeing God's love manifested in Christ, doesn't fit your agenda.
1 up, 2y
"I encouraged you multiple times in the past to read the Gospel of John. Did you ever get there?"

Haven't gotten to that part yet. Why? What's in John that's supposed to change my mind?

"I think you take pleasure in labeling God a hater"

I call it as I see it. That's it.

"and seeing God's love manifested in Christ, doesn't fit your agenda"

I don't see that
1 up, 2y,
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Do you think we should follow all the rules in the Bible?
2 ups, 2y,
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"No they don't"? Really? How many people have lost their jobs because they refuse to use the wrong pronouns. Or for calling gay marriage a sin? The LGBTQ religion demands compliance or be socially ostracized, fired, or even sued. It smacks of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
1 up, 2y,
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"How many people have lost their jobs because they refuse to use the wrong pronouns"

If somebody loses their job for intentionally treating other people with disrespect, I don't feel sorry for them. Just like I wouldn't feel sorry for someone who gets fired for using racial slurs.

"The LGBTQ religion demands compliance or be socially ostracized, fired, or even sued"

How is it a religion? You never explained that.

Why does it bother people like you so much that a group of people wants to be treated the same as you?
2 ups, 2y,
4 replies
I think I have explained the religious nature of LGBTQ. They seek to replace the God of the Bible and his value system, with a god who accepts all lifestyles and would never judge anyone. A god who would only send judgmental Christians to hell.

What is in John's gospel? Not what, but whom. You will meet the "angry" God of the Old Testament who humbled himself, and became a man. A man who loves YOU dearly, and knows every detail of you life. A man who died in your place on a cross. A man who holds his hands wide open for you, and is much more patient than I. But you enjoy hating him too much, so...don't read.
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
Yeah, when you go to Temple on the Sabbath, eat Kosher, don't mix fabrics, celebrate Passover (which Jesus himself said to keep as it would mark his second coming), etc, you let me know.

"God of the Old Testament who humbled himself, and became a man. A man who loves YOU dearly, and knows every detail of you life. A man who died in your place on a cross. A man who holds his hands wide open for you, and is much more patient than I."

No, because none of that is in the Old Testament.
2 ups, 2y
"Yeah, when you go to Temple on the Sabbath, eat Kosher, don't mix fabrics, celebrate Passover (which Jesus himself said to keep as it would mark his second coming), etc, you let me know."

I don't keep Sabbath, etc. Because I'm not Jewish. The Mosaic law was a contract been God and Israel only. Even so, Christ completely fulfilled the law, and his righteousness was "imputed" (placed into my account) by faith.

As a Christian I operate under the "Law of Christ". Found in the New Testament. The laws are very similar, since the both come from the same law giver. The moral standards regarding marriage and sex outside of marriage have not changed over time. (I Corinthians 6: 9-10) Those who come to Christ are changed from the inside out. "and such WERE some of you." (I Corinthians 6:11)

"No, because none of that is in the Old Testament."

Yeshua, Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. The fulfillment of about 100 O.T. prophesies. Jesus is Jehovah of the O.T. who took on a human body and was born in a manger. He came for the purpose of dying for our sins on the Cross. He then rose from the dead.

God paid the penalty for MY sins HIMSELF! What love!
1 up, 2y,
2 replies
You calling Jesus a liar?

Jesus, if he existed, was NOT a messiah. He did not do one single messianic thing.
"Jehovah" is a mistranslation (as is "Jesus").

144,000 Sainted Chosen plus a handful of Gentiles judged by the goodness of their works will enter the Pearly Gates. In comparison, that's about 60,000 babies who are aborted worldwide PER DAY. How's that for a paid penalty?
2 ups, 2y
Jesus did just what he promised. He fulfilled every jot and title of the law. Once it is fulfilled completely, then what more is there to keep? I, a sinner, have fulfilled the law by hiding myself "in Christ." (Justified by faith alone.)

He did not do one single messianic thing. "Jehovah" is a mistranslation (as is "Jesus").

Alright, "YHVH" and "Yeshua" then. Their proper names in Hebrew.
He didn't do anything Messianic? Except for the three Messianic miracles which the Rabbi's said only the Messiah could perform. (heal a man born blind, cast out a dumb demon and heal leprosy). Not to mention walking on water, reading people's thoughts, and raising the dead.

"144,000 Sainted Chosen plus a handful of Gentiles judged by the goodness of their works will enter the Pearly Gates."

Your JW? or Mormon then? The Bible teaches no such thing. "WHOSOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
1 up, 2y
Excuse me but. . . . ?
Who's calling me a liar
1 up, 2y,
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"I think I have explained the religious nature of LGBTQ. They seek to replace the God of the Bible and his value system, with a god who accepts all lifestyles and would never judge anyone. A god who would only send judgmental Christians to hell"

No they don't, and that wouldn't make it a religion anyway

"You will meet the "angry" God of the Old Testament who humbled himself, and became a man"

No, I'll read a make-believe story about a man who was supposedly god in human form but conveniently left no real evidence behind.

"A man who loves YOU dearly, and knows every detail of you life"

Then why doesn't he tell me that himself? I would think that if Jesus was real and alive right now and wanted a relationship with me, he wouldn't need other people to spread his message for him.

"But you enjoy hating him too much"

That's where you're wrong. It's not about hating him, it's about the fact that I'm not convinced Christianity is true. If you interpret my unbelief as hate, that's on you. But until I see some good evidence that it's true, I'm not going to believe it.
3 ups, 2y
"No, I'll read a make-believe story about a man who was supposedly god in human form but conveniently left no real evidence behind."

No evidence? Except for hundreds of eye witnesses who were willing to sacrifice their lives to tell others of the risen Christ, being so convinced it was true. Jesus is the most well-documented historical figure in human history.

"Then why doesn't he tell me that himself?"
He has literally sent you a text message. Simple read it.

"If you interpret my unbelief as hate, that's on you."
Likewise my rejection of the LGBTQ religion is not hatred. If I hated gay/queer people I would say nothing, and allow them to face God's wrath in the Judgement day. Leading sinners (like myself) to Christ for forgiveness and eternal life is compassion.

"it's about the fact that I'm not convinced Christianity is true."
Gee. I wonder why? How can you be convinced about anything if you refuse to read their core document? Is it intellectually honest to reject Christianity without even reading the New Testament once?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Jesus promised his disciples he would return during their lifetimes.
He didn't.

Hey, pulling fish out of a hat is really nifty, but he was no messiah.
(Perhaps you should look the word up)

You keep referring to your ignorance about what the Bible says as some sort of proof. And it is - proof that you don't know what you're talking about.

John and the rest were written a century after by Romans - you know, the ones the messiah was supposed to liberate Judea from.
0 ups, 2y
"Jesus promised his disciples he would return during their lifetimes"
No, he didn't. Read John 21:22-23.
Jesus is patiently waiting nearly 2000 years to allow more sinners to be saved. When he does come he will come "quickly." Surprising everyone.

Definition: Messiah "The Anointed One" God's chosen deliverer.

"pulling fish out of a hat is really nifty".

That's how you summarize all the miracles of Jesus?
How about if you actually try reading the NT yourself?

I challenge you to read one book. The Gospel of Matthew. A few hours out of your life.

"John and the rest were written a century after by Romans"
Care to give some proof? This is nonsense.
1 up, 2y,
4 replies
But offering your daughters - as stated in the same story - to be gang raped is supposed to be ok?

The Bible crystal clear teaches to keep holy the Sabbath, Passover, Kosher, not mixing fabrics, women having to stay out of the houe for a week after menstruating - even eating ice cream is a sin. How many of those you keep with?
2 ups, 2y,
2 replies
"But offering your daughters - as stated in the same story - to be gang raped is supposed to be ok?" No such mandate exists. More atheist false propaganda. Please specify a verse.
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
In the story, Lot offers his two virgin daughters to be gang raped by a violent mob. Nowhere does god say he was wrong for doing that.
2 ups, 2y,
5 replies
The Bible accurately records historical events. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lot's actions are condemned throughout the Bible. The story is a commentary on how corrupt the LGBT community of Sodom had become. Why not condemn the actions of the Sodomites also? They even affected Lot's thinking.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Oh, so the entire community only engaged in homosexuality which is why Lot's daughtes were virgins? Makes sense.
According to you a cpl of days ago, I MADE UP Lot's daughters.
Pick a lie and stick with it.

Romans has nothing to do with the story.

Jesus's LAST words before dying, "Lord, why have you forsaken me?" not ring any bells?
Sweating BLOOD as he prayed in Gethsemane for God/his 'father'/'himself' to spare him?

But wait, someone WAS spared, right? Look up his actual name for the funsies.
0 ups, 2y
I'm afraid you lost me my friend. Someone was spared from what? Look man, we can argue forever and accomplish nothing.

I simply try to tell people on this site that Jesus changed my life. He's my best friend. I tell him all my troubles, and he talks to me through his Word. I've done a lot of wrong in my life, but Jesus forgave me and gave me a reason to live. He has promised to come again some day and I'll be with him forever.

Please, just try reading the Gospel of John. He might speak to you too.
Have a nice life, and thanks for the conversation.
0 ups, 2y
"The Bible has always been the go-to resource for archeologists and historians."

No, it hasn't. The reverse, if anything.
Believers have always sought validation from archeologists and historians, even before either was a science. Various artifacts have been fabricated since the early days of the Church as 'proof,' and much of the Gospels have been understood to have done the same, written a century or so later to back doctrine.
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
It's funny how atheists always condemn Lot, but never the Sodomites, who wanted to rape the men who had come to visit Lot."

Relatively sure atheists don't believe there was a Lot or Sodomites, so they're not exactly picking sides between those who condone and those who commit rape.

Who said they were a homosexual community? They were two cities who wanted to rape whomever they could, or so the tale says. Lot's daughters were not males.

Jesus couldn't even save himself. And his God/father/self wouldn't save him either, no matter how much he begged himself to save himself. Or did he? After all, Yehsua bar Abba WAS spared, or so the story goes...

Yeah, valuable lesson, that. Future generations of people living on the banks of a salty lake that could not support a single person, let alone two cities, never turned around for a peak.
0 ups, 2y
"Who said they were a homosexual community?"
1. They wanted to rape the male visitors of Lot.
2. Lot's daughters were married to Sodomites and yet still "virgins".
3. Historically, the term Sodomy, evolved from this very story.
4. Romans 1:26 "the men burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men,"
5. God vaporized these cities to set an example to future generations about sexual immorality and men seeking "strange flesh." Jude 7.

"Jesus couldn't even save himself."

"I lay down My life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord." (John 10:17-18) Jesus died willingly on the cross, because he loved YOU. He died to make payment for YOUR sins on the cross.

God the Father was "pleased to bruise him". It was His plan from the beginning to pay the penalty for sin Himself through is own Son.
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
Aren't you the one that said that Lot did NOT offer his two young virgin daughters to be gang raped?

"The story is a commentary on how corrupt the LGBT..."

False, there is absolutely nothing in the Torah even remotely referring to Lesbianism, let alone condemning it.
And if you think Yahweh saved a man who offered his daughters to be raped but turned his wife into a block of salt simply for looking back as they escaped (luckily no one else ran as the cities blew up, eh?), then your sense of morality is skewed in the most curious way.

It's a fairytale, made up when grandpa offered the kids a fanciful explanation for the curious salt formations at the Dead Sea, one in particular that bore some superficial resemblance to a woman. Like the one in the pic.
2 ups, 2y
It's funny how atheists always condemn Lot, but never the Sodomites, who wanted to rape the men who had come to visit Lot.

We get the term "Sodomy" from this homosexual community. Gay, Bisexual,Trans are all condemned by the Torah. Lesbian is mentioned and condemned in the N.T. referring back in history. "That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other." Romans 1:26

The good news is "God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Jesus Saves today!

"It's a fairytale,"
Search Youtube for "sodom and gomorrah archeology"

Lot's wife died because she didn't believe God, and went back. Perhaps he made an example of her for future generations regarding this particular subject, thus saving many lives by example.
1 up, 2y,
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"The Bible accurately records historical events"

No it doesn't. There are some things recorded in the Bible which probably happened, some things which may have happened but we have no way to know for sure, and some things which we know never actually happened.

"Lot's actions are condemned throughout the Bible"

He offered his own children to be gang raped. Show me which verse of the Bible says he was wrong for doing that. Chapter and verse.

"The story is a commentary on how corrupt the LGBT community of Sodom had become. Why not condemn the actions of the Sodomites also?"

Because they weren't the LGBT community. It's a made-up story about an entire city full of rapists, something which is laughably unrealistic.
1 up, 2y
The Bible has always been the go-to resource for archeologists and historians. Your claims are a little scant on details.

"He offered his own children to be gang raped."

Again, I note how atheists never condemn the Sodomites for wanting to gang rape the men who came to visit Lot. You always pick on Lot.

"Show me which verse of the Bible says he was wrong for doing that. Chapter and verse."

(2 Peter 2:8) Lot "vexed" his righteous soul by observing their wicked deeds day by day. The Greek word "vexed" I belief implies that it "messed with his mind". He was influenced into making a bad decision.

Let's give God some credit. The Angels (men) who Lot was protecting, ensured the daughters remained safe. They came for the very purpose of rescuing Lot and family for the Judgement to come.

The Bible soundly condemns, kidnapping, rape, abandoning family, etc.

"It's a made-up story"
Search Youtube for "Sodom and Gomorrah archeology".
Jesus treated it as an historical event, which means nothing to you I suppose.
We get our very term "sodomy" from this community of homosexuals. (notice Lot's daughters were married, and yet still virgins.)
1 up, 2y
You're an Atheist?
You're the one that brought up the story. Pehaps you should get around to actually reading it.
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1 up, 2y,
2 replies
Yeah, "menstrating" is pretty bad.
1 up, 2y
1 up, 2y,
1 reply
Once again, you're right - can't spell menstruate without u!

Let that one sink in. I bet you won't be taking any screen shots of that sick burn any time soon.

0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
I already did. Yesterday.
Nice try at a save tho, no, really, nice try.

ONLY two replies to express your reaction to it?
Oh, wait, TWO more in my notifs!

0 ups, 2y
Take another screen shot
1 up, 2y
"The Bible has always been the go-to resource for archeologists and historians"

That doesn't mean it's historically accurate. There are a number of stories in the Bible which historians used to take at face value which we now understand are either completely made up or heavily exaggerated.

"Again, I note how atheists never condemn the Sodomites for wanting to gang rape the men who came to visit Lot. You always pick on Lot."

I pick on somebody who who offered his own children to be brutally raped. Should I not pick on him? And how come you never say he was wrong for doing that?

Here: I condemn the made-up people in the fictional story who wanted to gang rape two imaginary creatures. Now are you going to condemn the guy who was okay with his own children being gang raped?

"(2 Peter 2:8) Lot "vexed" his righteous soul by observing their wicked deeds day by day. The Greek word "vexed" I belief implies that it "messed with his mind". He was influenced into making a bad decision"

In other words, Lot was upset with how the men in the city behaved. So where's the condemnation for what he did?

"The Angels (men) who Lot was protecting, ensured the daughters remained safe"

You're missing the whole point. It doesn't matter if the two daughters were not raped, what matters is that he offered them to be raped in the first place.

"The Bible soundly condemns, kidnapping, rape, abandoning family, etc"

And yet Lot did exactly that and he is called "righteous"

"Jesus treated it as an historical event, which means nothing to you I suppose"

Correct, it means nothing to me. I don't care if Jesus thought the story was true, that doesn't mean the story is actually true.

"We get our very term "sodomy" from this community of homosexuals"

And we get the term "buggery" (anal sex) from "Bulgarian", so does that mean all Bulgarian men are gay?

"notice Lot's daughters were married, and yet still virgins"

In biblical times being engaged was considered pretty much the same as being married, so maybe they were just engaged, but not actually married yet. And even if they were married, so what? It doesn't really make sense for them to be married but not living with their husbands.
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