This touches on a serious issue. Corporations are limited as to what they are allowed to contribute to political campaigns, as are we all, yet the MSM is allowed to contribute what must now total into the trillions of dollars of free campaign "ads".
They can call it "journalism" all they want, but it is nothing of the sort. The Media Research Center does a generally great job of proving how terrible the imbalance of the MSM coverage truly is, though most of us know this to be true anecdotally. From the outright lies they spew, to the softball interviews they provide Democrats, to everything they intentionally avoid covering, they provide the Democrat Party with 24/7/365 support.
I don't really know how this can be overcome, aside from the woke media companies bleeding viewers until they just cannot operate anymore, but they seem to have found a way around this. The good news is that they do have ever shrinking viewership, so their reach is also shrinking.
Of course, this is THE main reason for so much censorship on Social Media. Many have found an excellent end run around the heavily biased MSM, and they are even starting to lose that battle now, too.