Thanks for posting that article. I didn't know that the case was tried in Texas. I also didn't know that Texas capped judgements at $49.3 million. Well that's not so crazy. I have no problem with that judgment. I do if that nearly a billion dollar judgement was allowed to stand.
I have no clue what Jone's net worth is and that much may also put him out of business. But I think he is probably worth more than that. I don't know how big his following is. I've only met one guy who was a Jones fan.
There is one thing that bugged me about that article. They said "Our organization is dedicated to the principles of free speech and the protection of the First Amendment, but there is no room in our society for the preposterous knowing disinformation spewed by Jones, seemingly only for his personal benefit."
If they were truly dedicated to free speech then they would not setting limits on it. Jones has a right to be as crazy as he wants to be as long as his show is presented as an opinion show. If he can find an audience for his craziness then that is their right. We cannot enforce anyone's idea of what is factual or not on anyone. Crazy speech and factual speech is protected under the 1st amendment.
If you think Jones is off his rocker then, like you and I, you don't have to listen, watch and/or read anything he produces. That is how it should be.
Where there would be a problem is who is going to be the arbiter of what can and cannot be broadcast? Censoring libel and bad language is okay but ideas and concepts should not be. It is up to us to verify if it is true or not.
However, I have a major problem with news media passing themselves off as being the facts but reporting lies. Lies that can be proven to be lies by going to the source to find out the truth.